I cry a lot. I like to say it's because I'm a cancer rising, but one could argue it has something to do with being a highly anxious person. Whatever the reason, tears are not an uncommon part of my daily routine. Almost akin to brushing my teeth or washing my face, except maybe even more frequently than the latter (I've never been a skin care queen). When I cry, I feel an obligation to take pictures of myself. A person in a different generation (aka my older sister who I classify as a millennial), might say that's incredibly bizarre. And there's no doubt that she is right in asking me why on earth when I cry, I document it. Why does anybody in our generation take selfies of ourselves crying? (pov: this is how I find out it's just me, that'd be so embarrassing).
Imagine a time traveler from the past coming to 2023 and for some reason, the poor sucker ends up getting stuck in a conversation with me and I bring this topic up. "I know you come from an age without technology and want to learn about the future, so let's get down to business and I can show you my snapchat memories full of me crying over minor inconveniences". First of all, when they realize that the greatest contribution I make to society is daily Dunkin runs for my family (i don't even drive there, Ryann does), they might not be my biggest fan. Wait until I tell them that the reason I was crying in several pictures was because my sock felt weird in my shoe or there was a bump in my ponytail that I couldn't brush flat. They'd be like can we please get rid of this sad girl and talk to the President or somebody whose meds actually work?
Basically, this post started because I sobbed into my pillow a little while ago and it made a very crazy and lifelike imprint into my pillow. In a very scary rendition of what my face apparently looks like, you can see the outline my eyebrows and my eyes, down to a little spot of mascara that my makeup wipe didn't take care of. Seriously whose face is that? Like please tell me that's not my face, I'm super concerned. Anyway, that visual made me laugh incredibly hard. Somehow, even my melodramatic crying is anything but serious.

So, crying is pretty normal. So is taking pictures of yourself crying, I hope? It's comforting, and also a fun little memory to look back on? Because, maybe in a year from now, I won't even remember the reason why I was crying, and that will be a reason to celebrate personal growth. Anyway, I think I need to go thin out my eyebrows, they're looking a little thick.